Monday, December 24, 2012

Annie Khalid Crying

عینی نے کہا کہ ان کے شوہر تشدد کے دوران ان کے کان پکڑوا کر انہیں مرغا بناتے رہے

Masti Gate – 23rd December 2012

Watch Masti Gate – 23rd December 2012

Mass protests held in India over sexual violence

Published on 23 Dec 2012 Mass protests have been held across India in response to the gang-rape of a medical student in New Delhi, the country's capital. Social activists have called for a complete overhaul of the Indian legal system in terms of how it deals with crimes of sexual violence. Al Jazeera spoke to Kiran Bedi, a former police officer and social activist, about the issue.

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