Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The 10 best fake Twitter feeds on global politics

A spot-on parody of Chinese state propaganda.
Sample tweet: "We admit we're no experts at democracy, but we swear we did not program Comrade Huntsman to believe that 3rd place equals winning."

The exasperated gripes of Europe's most powerful leader.
"Pleasant lunch with the boys. Bit embarrassing when Monti had to call@Lagarde for permission before tipping the waiter."

Ramblings of a dipsomaniacal unmanned aerial vehicle.
"can't yell at me for violating a strike moratorium if I'm too drunk to ID the Durand Line.. jk jk CAN'T EVEN SPOT THAT DAMN LINE SOBER"

The bizarro-world Dmitry Medvedev (in Russian), profiled last year by Julia Ioffe
"Governors need to have more children so that the country will have more successful young entrepreneurs."

A skeptical view of the 44th U.S. president from the Arab world (in Arabic).
"A wife has the right to beat her husband two times a week, and that's a final decision."
The dark side of American diplomacy.
"Help: How do I blog this user - @IntleCrimCourt? They won't stop messaging me, asking me to turn on my location settings."

The gin-soaked alter ego of Elizabeth of Windsor. (There's even a book tie-in.)
"Camilla pulled out of this today's reception with the President of Turkey. Says she'll get enough of turkey at Christmas. Awkward."

Out-of-the-box thinking from the former speaker of the House.
"Replace stars on American flag with Starfleet emblems."
"Go on Morning Joe and distract Joe and Mika with a shiny object so I can talk about moon mining."

Pakistan's glamorous foreign minister Hina Rabbani Kar -- with a bit more attitude.
"Okay, so I was wrong. Jim Jones was NOT played by Harrison Ford and he is NOT Jughead's father. #memogate"

North Korea's new leader -- and the world's number one Eric Clapton fan.
"Does my population make me look fat?"


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